Committee Goals and Responsibilities
Worship Committee
The Worship Committee’s responsibility is to help create worship experiences that will enrich, challenge and inspire. This committee will lead the membership in a genuine experience of worship in the public services and to enrich personal and family devotional life.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee will oversee the church’s finances and set the annual budget. This committee will develop within the membership an understanding of the full meaning of Christian stewardship and to direct the financial program of the church.
Membership Committee
The Membership Committee’s responsibility is to oversee and plan events for our members to grow spiritually and enjoy Christian fellowship. This committee is also responsible for planning ways to reach out to our visitors and new members of the church. This committee will maintain the closest possible contact with the entire church membership to the end that each member may function effectively in the life of the church and to develop a spirit of comradeship and love within the congregation founded on a common love for Christ.
Property Committee
The Property Committee’s responsibility is to oversee the general maintenance and improvements of the church building and property.
The LightHouse Board
The LightHouse Board oversees the director of the LightHouse and assists in day to day operations as well as decision making.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee will make recommendations to the Stewardship Committee on any change in church staff salaries. It shall cooperate with all the functional committees and the Official Board in all matters which pertain to employees of the church.
Outreach Committee
The Outreach Committee will oversee the mission projects of the church. This committee will create and foster a local and global vision within the church and its auxiliary organizations, and to lead in planning and administering the local and global work program of the church.
Christian Education and K-5 Youth Committee
The Christian Education committee’s main responsibility is to oversee our education program and plan activities for the younger youth. This committee will develop an effective educational program of religious education for the entire constituency of the church in keeping with the general objectives of Christian Education.
6th—12th Youth Activities
The Youth Activities committee will provide sponsors, and coordinate fellowship, recreation, spiritual and social activities for the youth of our church and community. The program shall include:
- Guidance and ministry to youth
- Promotion of camps, retreats, and conferences
- Sponsoring service projects
- Training of youth group sponsors
- Sponsoring fellowship groups